James Cunningham, Navigation Wealth Management

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Navigation Wealth Management
Member of the Hessle BoB Club

Navigation Wealth Management Financial Adviser
Navigation House
3 Spencer Street
HU17 9EG
Club Coordinator

Business Description

I am a lifestyle financial planner which means that I help my clients behave their way to wealth rather than misbehave their way to poverty.

My main aim is to help people achieve their goals and dreams by making sure that they don't run out of money before they run out of life. I do this by wearing three hats.

One hat is of a life planner where I help people to articulate and establish their goals, dreams and ambitions.

My second hat is that of a financial planner where I use cash-flow modelling to establish if my clients' current circumstances mean they have enough, not enough or too much money to achieve their goals, dreams and ambitions.

The final hat I wear is that of a fully qualified financial adviser. This is where I use the resources available to me to select the financial products and services that help people to achieve the goals, dreams and ambitions from the first hat's aims.